
Discovered Posterous

So I discovered Posterous and decided to give it a try to handle my blogging. I started out by importing my old blog posts to it. It think because of the way blogger handles pictures, the layout of the blog posts got messed up. Going forward I don't think this will be a problem because Posterous does a much better job handling images. I'll still keep my Blogger blog, but I'll be using Posterous write the updates.

If you are unfamiliar with Posterous, the great thing about it is that it will update your twitter, Facebook, and blog all at the same time. And to post, all you have to do is send an e-mail. Previously I had to use twitterfeed to post my blog entries to twitter then use something else to get that to update my Facebook status. I don't even remember what I'm using right now to get my twitter to post to Facebook, but I'm trying to find out so I don't get multiple posts for one entry.

This is actually my first test post.

My Real Job


Egg 1.1 coming soon..

I finally had some time to make some changes to Egg! over the weekend. I submitted version 1.1 to Apple, so hopefully this will go through quickly.  The turnaround time for the approval process is supposed to be much shorter than the original 2 week turnaround time. So maybe it will be approved in time for Easter.

I fixed a bug where sometimes you would hear the lion growl by default, this default sound has been changed. Also, I fixed the visual glitch where the background image was running up into the advertising banner.

As for new features, I added a button that will appear when the Egg! is opened, to let you get a new Egg!  This is an improvement over the old way of getting a new Egg!, where you would have to keep tapping on the screen. This is what the new button looks like (highlighted state & normal state).

Hopefully, I'll get to push some even bigger improvements soon.

Egg!'s popularity continues to grow. Last time I checked there were over 3832 users. I have no idea how people find it amongst the 160,000 or so apps on the AppStore, but hopefully people will continue to stumble onto it and enjoy it.

Next thing on the to-do list is to update FlashCardz.