August numbers are in, and there is an upward trend in units sold for FlashCardz and QuoteKeeper.
If you notice the number of units sold more than doubled compared to July. But it is important to note that July numbers only reflect the last week in July when these apps were released. I was pleasantly surprised to see the numbers for QuoteKeeper. My original thought was that FlashCardz would be much more popular, so it's nice to see QuoteKeeper holding it's own.
As for FlashCardz FREE, the data from Apple for the month of August shows 99 downloads from 12 different countries, the majority of which (81 units) is from the United States. The total number of users is somewhere around 350 which includes September, according to the analytics data I get from mobclix. The great thing about putting your apps on the App Store, is that iPhone users all around the world can download them, and Apple will handle all the currency conversions.
QuoteKeeper FREE was released in September so these results are not available.
By the end of next month, I will be able to compare the revenue from the paid and free versions of FlashCardz. As a reminder, the free version generates revenue from advertisements. The reason for the free version, was to offer people the opportunity to try before they buy. I suspect that the paid version will generate more money in sales than the free version from ads, but that remains to be seen.
Egg! has about 1500 users now, and seems to generate a little less than $1/day. After an initial spike, the number of new users is steadily increasing. My goal is to get to over 100,000 downloads for Egg!
August is the first full month of results up to this point, so comparisons will be more meaningful when I get numbers for September.
My girls love Egg! Just last night at "meet the teacher" night, we were listening to Izzy's Kindergarten teacher describing the curriculum and I had to keep Sydney quiet and occupied. Egg! to the rescue...! She spent a good 15 minutes tapping away. I had to put my iphone on mute so there was no sound, but just the fun of tapping and opening the egg was enough to entertain her. Good job!