
Financial Reports - July

So how much money can you make on iPhone apps? It depends.

I recently received my monthly financial report from Apple for the month of July and thought I'd share it with you. To give you some context, my first two paid apps are QuoteKeeper and FlashCardz. They are simple and functional, and most important, they do what I want them to.

FlashCardz went up on the AppStore on July 23rd, 2009 for $1.99 (USD).
QuoteKeeper went up on July 29th, 2009 for $0.99 (USD).

I wanted to put FlashCardz up for $1.49, but the AppStore doesn't give me that option.

In July, I sold 3 copies of FlashCardz in the U.S. at $1.99 of which I get $1.40, for a grand total of $4.20. I also sold 2 copies of QuoteKeeper in Australia, for a grand total of $1.52.

Some quick math give me $5.72 for the month of July.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. I guess, FlashCardz was only up for 7 days, and QuoteKeeper only 1 day, so I will have to wait for the August numbers before I draw any conclusions. The thing I didn't expect was to sell things through the Australia AppStore. This is surprising because my only advertising thus far has been through Facebook.

I'll continue to share my financial reports as they become available, and in future posts I will talk about monetizing through advertising.

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