
Egg 1.1 has been approved!

Just got the e-mail from Apple. Egg! 1.1 has been approved, so it should hit the AppStore within the next 24 hours. I submitted it Monday night and it was in the "Waiting for Review" state the whole week. So earlier today I sent an e-mail to them asking them to review it before Easter. I said something to the effect, "I know everyone is probably busy reviewing iPad apps, but it will only take 2 minutes to review my app and I want it to get out before Easter." I don't know if sending such e-mails have any effect on the response time. It's very likely that my app finally made it to the top of the queue, but either way it's good news.
I think I mentioned in an earlier post the new button for getting new eggs. Another change is that once you have revealed what's inside, if you continue to tap, you will hear the sound effect again. This was not possible with the way I was handling sounds in version 1.0. I also fixed some visual glitches related to the advertising banner on top.
I hope you enjoy the changes and have a Happy Easter!

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